Episode 67: T.J. Giesey


Back to back weeks with wakeskaters on the pod? You're damn right. T.J. has been around the wakeskate scene for what feels like forever. Getting started wakeboarding behind a small Boston Whaler, T.J. quickly shifted to wakeskating once he realized he and his friends would need a much bigger boat if they wanted continue to progress on their wakeboards. From there T.J. made the move from Miami up to Orlando to continue to entrench himself in wakeskating. Riding with the likes of Andrew Pastura and Nick Taylor T.J. has had some impressive wakeskating in his own right, including a killer section in Human Rocket. Wakeskating.com, Sfumato, blunts on a wakeboard, winch etiquette, owning spots, The Wakeskate Tour, Suwannee, and kickflipping wakeboards. Hear all that and much more in Episode 67 of the Grab Matters Podcast!


Episode 68: Parks Bonifay


Episode 66: Brandon Thomas